


Twenty-five years ago, in 1992, the U.S. Kentucky University in Lexington acknowledged Todi as the most liveable city in the world. Today, in 2017, Todi is going in also as Italy's most sustainable city. Actually, liveability and sustainability are two sides of the same coin: nowadays, a city cannot be “liveable" if it is not “sustainable." It is not a matter of opinion; it is a certainty. This spurred us to give Todi and its desire for sustainability all our support, enabling it to access, in a very short timeframe (only 2 months),  important incentives: 430 thousand Euros - corresponding to 2.5% of its budget - for 9 projects aimed at enhancing the energy efficiency of public buildings.

 Specifically, within the scope of the programme Sustainability in Municipalities, the City of Todi asked GSE to collaborate in the regeneration projects of two historic buildings (Palazzo dei Priori and Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo), the Municipal offices in Piazza di Marte, the school Aosta, the junior high school Cocchi, the primary school Porta Fratta, the primary school Ponterio, the nursery school Pian di San Martino, and the nursery school Pian di Porto. The total investment amounts to about 1,200,000 Euros, of which 430 thousand Euros were allocated through GSE's incentives on the basis of the Renewable Energy for Heating and Cooling Support Scheme. Other funds resulted from specific calls for tenders launched by Regione Umbria. The goal of the Municipality of Todi and of its districts is to reach a fossil fuel-free economy by 2040, transitioning to an economy running 100% on renewable energy. In order to help the City in this roadmap, a GSE technician will be in Todi every two weeks to answer the questions of citizens, operators and the Municipality.

 Indeed, it is fundamental to be reminded that we all have two big responsibilities toward the future generations: to leave our planet healthy, liveable and clean and to transmit true passion and interest for the environment, energy efficiency and renewable sources. How can we put all this into practice? By following Todi's example. In fact, the City's commitment will have an impact on another three big sectors: electric mobility, biological agriculture and zero food miles. The Municipality is planning to install electric vehicle charging stations and to introduce biological food and zero food miles in schools. The same schools object of the interventions of energy-environmental regeneration supported by GSE's incentives.

Energy efficiency, biological agriculture and sustainable food: what is taking place in Todi represents a virtuous circle. It is a successful path that generates further paths to success. GSE is always ready to put its passion and dedication at disposal  – even before its technical competences –  to promote the culture of sustainability teaching lessons throughout the territory. Such as the lessons it is currently addressing to Todi's students, who will thus acquire a virtuous behaviour which they will take back home and share with their parents, who in turn will activate a virtuous behaviour. One thing leads to another, one success generates another, a small seed produces a tree.

 GSE intends to pursue the only path possible to ensure a future to the younger generations: that is, to combine our Country's beautiful landscape and architecture with the development of renewable sources and energy efficiency. A valid example of this combination may be found in Todi, a small urban reality with an extremely high historical and cultural value.

 All in the firm belief that the planet on which we live is not our fathers' legacy, but a loan to give back to our children.